Mobile defined as capable of moving or being moved phones that are mostly pocket sized , pertaining to or noting a cell phone , usually one with computing ability , or a portable wireless device that used while held in the hand , as in mobile tablet , mobile PDA , Mobile app . This day’s mobile phones are widely called as mobile. Portable devices that can make and receive calls over a radio frequency link while the user on the move within a telephone service area. In early 2000 era mobile phones provide a wide range of other services , such as messaging , MMS , email , short range wireless communication ( infrared , Bluetooth ) , Internet access , Social communication and business applications ,video call , digital photography and gaming . During 1970s Motorola Company first introduce the mobile phone, and since then it became an important part of our life. Initially it was used largely for communication purpose, but since the arrival of Smartphone as mobile phone it became essential part of human life credit to their wide range of features. GSM feature mobile phones require a small microchip called SIM card, in order to function. A hybrid mobile phone can insert up to four SIM cards. There are 34 countries of mobile phone makers with more than 100 different brand worlds wide. Some of the market leading brands are:
· Apple Inc. , Apple Mobile
· Nokia Mobile Phones
· Sony mobile Phones
· HTC Mobile Phones
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